Wednesday, June 30, 2010

RANDOM.....kaki conteng

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


"Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property"

"Graffiti is any type of public markings that may appear in the forms of simple written words to elaborate wall paintings"

and mostly people, when mention the word graffiti, will vision writings/letters of graffiti-like

and in antu's case...she liky simple 'conteng' markers and spray cans *love*

and so today, antu's boss is out
in conclusion of refusing to do work, antu decided to do something that she havent done for a very,very,very
longggggggggggggggg (finger on 'g' 3 seconds) time



HOHOHOHOHO <--cute sinister laugh followed by national anthem played at the back


What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Monday, June 28, 2010

RANDOM.....when fire becomes an ocean

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about

Oceans Of Fire

“We butchered ‘chan-mali-chan’, and it becomes belacan”
– Kelvyn Yeang, on the in-take of a Malay traditional song.

Oceans of Fire are a quartet set to put music on fire, from the tempo of Jazz, to the beat of metal music. Their creativity in songs seems limitless. Having fun and putting all tunes mash-up together. This rising band hopes to ascend and put new colors in our air waves.

The band member consist of Kelvyn Yeang, band leader and lead guitar

Chiat on rhythm guitar

Jonathan Chen on bass

and their drummer, Jonathan Scully

They are no stranger to Penang music scene, as they have been actively participating in Penang Jazz Festival and the winner Malaysia Northern Region Yamaha Asian Beat Finals in 2006.
“We cannot sing, so we play instruments. We are an instrumental band.”
When ask to describe about their music, the word ‘eclectic’ would come to mind. No denying it, as each one of them comes from different music locale. Kelvyn is from a rock background, working professionally in projects and teaching guitars. His good friend, Chiat, is also the co-founder of Ocean of Fire (OoF), jamming together since their high school years. Scully, their drummer, is also teaching drum professionally, loving jazz and rock, and anything in between. The bassist Chen is classically trained. He plays the violin, piano and drums.
“We are not trying to compete, we are just offering a different sound of music”--answered Kelvyn when asked on what OoF focused on.

I couldn't agree more. For the plain passion of music, this band had been performing endlessly, sharing their views and offering new types of music each time. Recently, the band had just release their album called ‘Destination’. During their recent performance, Kelvyn gave an in-take of every song and its history. Example the song ‘Run Run Run’ was created after hearing their friend had been chased by a man-eating goose, ‘Papadam from China’ was created when they eat papadams sold RM1 at a mamak stall and the song ‘I Found You’ was produced by Kelvyn, for his wedding proposal on the day of the band’s album launch.

I got to catch them perform live at NBT and asked a few questions:

Describe the music of Ocean of Fire and what does OoF have to offer to music lovers.
We are a little bit of everything. Our music is different as we are experimenting and exploring different tunes every time. Its vast music: OoF is offering listeners and music lovers an alternative music to listen to. As music is an expression of emotions and feelings for us, we deliver it by playing it.

OoF is Penang-based band. In your opinion, what’s the difference in Penang’s music scene and KLs?
Penang Island is small. The music scene there is ‘warm’, as in, people know each other. It’s cozy as everybody would acknowledge and know who’s who and what’s what. Here in KL, as we know, it’s a big city, with lots of talents, variety, and countless of musicians; thus knowing contacts and fellow music friends is quite a challenge.

If OoF can change one thing in our music local scene, what would it be?
Actually, there are many things that we would love to change, but if it’s to choose only one, it would be, as we all know, for the media to play more of our local music scene. It would be great to hear our song to be played in the air waves and to be seen in the media. There are many talents out there, and media should take an extra bit of effort to showcase them. It’s a good platform for bands like us to deliver what we have to offer.

What is Oof in-take and opinions on music itself?
Music is an expression of a person’s view. Either if it’s on life, love or anything. Thus, I believe that Music cannot be a culture by itself. A little bit too much of one kind of music, in our opinion, will effect a lot in one’s life. We believe that variety in music is good and the explorations of sound are limitless, it creates new waves each time.

Where do you see OoF in 5 years to come?
Reaching out to more and more music listeners; having variety of music listeners who listens to our songs. That would be great as we want to reach every corner of the earth, bringing music to their ears and passion in doing so.

Any quotation that OoF would like to point out?
“Music is a powerful tool”, it delivers one’s mind, opinions and views. Abusing it would be a shame, thus, a musician must know their responsibility in delivering positive message across to their listeners. As we said, music can affects one’s life, so delivering a ‘healthy’ music is a musician’s responsibility.

And that night, was a awesome night indeed

From the pictures, need I to say more?
For more details on their music and album, go to


Fruit for thought:
1-we have many talented local acts
2-we have internet
3-we have our ear

Then whats stopping you (yes you) from exploring and supporting our local music scene?

If its not you, who else?

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Friday, June 18, 2010

RANDOM....root to all problems

antu aint sayin she's no woman, but she can cause problems though



What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

RANDOM....pure legal drugs

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


When the word caffeine is mention, 90% of us will think about coffee

Yes, I must admit. I am a coffee addict. But then again, it wasn’t the coffee, but I think, it’s the caffeine. As I can live without my coffee for a few days, only to be replace by my tea.

Growing up in my family, my parents never failed to have coffee for breakfast, after lunch and dinner. Every night, my granma would drink her coffee and watch the tele until late nite, without fail. It becomes a custom in my family, that we have teatime after Asar, drinking black tea together with goreng pisang or some other kuih-muih. Yes, I grew up in a family of caffeine’ness; either its coffee, or tea.

“Caffeine is a bitter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid”

Caffeine can also be found in certain fruits, soft drinks, energy drinks and in a small amount in chocolate.

A fact that you might not know:
‘Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive substance, but, unlike many other psychoactive substances, it is legal and unregulated in nearly all jurisdictions’-

In antu’s mind “yeaahhhhhh….legal drugggssss babbeyyyyyy…..”


Thus, antu would like to share the pros and cons of caffeine; as it’s good to know these facts that might help you, and also effects you.

*bare in mind that these effects might be differs to you, as each of us has individual body effects on caffeine*

The key is quantity and quality

So, below are some random effects of what caffeine can do to you:

1.Caffeine can elevate heart rate, increase blood flow, and raise body temperature. (I like to drink my coffee during cold times…in my case, when it’s raining and if I’m under Malaysian air-cond)

2.It increases blood sugar levels and acts as a diuretic, meaning you urinate more frequently and reduce water intake. (going to the toilet to wee-wee more eh?)

3.Small amounts of caffeine taken daily, for example a cup of coffee a day; can create physical dependence on caffeine. If you fail to drink your daily dose of caffeine, you can end up with headaches, excessive sleepiness, a feeling like you can’t function or flu like symptoms. (hmmm…very familiar symptoms in my case)

4.Caffeine has its ability to disrupt sleep cycles, causing less deep sleep (freddy wouldn’t like this, for sure)

5.Caffeine increases intellectual activity when fatigued or bored. (I wish I can have it during my classes in high school)

6.Caffeine interferes with adenosine, a brain chemical that normally has a calming effect. (drink one before you meditate in yoga class….i’m sure you’ll be the least student that the yoga instructor prefers)

7.Caffeine may reduce the incidence of kidney stones by increasing the flow of urine and decreasing its concentration (like I said, wee-wee more maaahhh)

8.Caffeine may aggravate osteoporosis by leaching calcium from the bones. (I wonder what will happen if I drink my coffee together with anlene…hhmmm…)

9.Caffeine aggravates stress in people who drink it every day. (to my kids/partners:all my years in starbucks as an sm, I blame the caffine…wink-wink)

10.Caffeine dilates the arteries of the brain and may counter migraines. Caffeine is also a cause of migraines. (so I dunno which one is which in my case -_-“)

Now….over dosage of caffeine may cause you:

•Visual: seeing flashes
•Heart: rapid and irregular heartbeat.
•Ears: ringing
•Skin: more sensitive to touch or pain
•Muscle: twitching and trembling
•Brain (central): confusion, headache, delirium and anxiety

In other words…when over dosage of caffeine, you may look like this:

The thing that inspired me to write this post about caffeine is because of today’s incident. Whereby I wasted 20mins of my life stuck inside the toilet.

It was cold in my office (as usual) – I was sleepy - had my coffee – sipping it slowly – felt energize a bit – few mins later – wanted to wee-wee so badly – rush to the toilet – lock the door – broke the lock – stuck inside.

One: I waited for someone to at least come to the rescue (but nooo...miracles didn’t happen for me)
Two: I felt that the reason I was ‘kuat’ enough to accidently broke it was because I need to wee-wee so badly, and I have the ‘strength’ out of my coffee.
Three: I got out MacGyver style, by using my belt and some toilet tissue (wow….)


hmmmm...not bad for being a caffeine junkie eh?

Coffee anybody?

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.