Tuesday, May 4, 2010

RANDOM.....for the love of cocoa

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about

Fair-trade CHO-KO-LAT (chocolate, to be exact)

We should thank the Mesoamericans for creating such drink from the seed of Theobroma cacao trees; later the findings by a Spanish conquest. And then, in 1847 to Joseph Fry & Son, in discovery of a mixture which resulted to the first modern chocolate bar.

We, Malaysian, have yet to learn (even to know) about fair-trade.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices, Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. – fairtrade.com

Cocoa farmers

Cocoa farmers are some of the poorest people in the world and many of them earn on average about £50(RM350) a year.

They depend on selling their beans to pay for the essential things in life including wellington boots to protect their feet from the scorpions that live among the cocoa trees.

However many farmers don't make enough money from selling their beans and can't afford food, medicine, clean water or school for their children.

Hmmm….sad isn’t it?

Even in the 16th century, Spanish armies began enslaving Mesoamericans to produce cacao.

I, myself, have been trying to be considerate enough to think about what is my responsibility as a consumer. I admit, it’s only for certain moments only, but having a little thought, is better than having none.

My opinion – me, as a consumer, having the dilemma of buying fair-trade things is not danggg cheap, consider the fact that it can be found in cold storage, starbucks, mark & spencer etc. (not a place where you consider cheap for a middle-wage person like me)

But, certain occasions, I’ll buy it as I will have the thought that at least ‘I contributed’, and not ‘tahu, tapi buat bodoh’.
And you, yes you, jgn makan je cho-ko-lat tu, having thoughts can automatic make you consider it. Thats good enough for a start.

And for the love of cho-ko-lat, we must build a happier world, aight?

If its not you, who else?

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

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