Friday, April 30, 2010 kill, or not to 'kill'

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


A serial killer is a person who murders three or more people over a period of more than thirty days, with a "cooling off" period between each murder, and whose motivation for killing is largely based on psychological gratification. Often, a sexual element is involved with the killings. The murders may have been attempted or completed in a similar fashion and the victims may have had something in common; for example, occupation, race, appearance, sex, or age group.
–copied ‘bulat-bulat’ from wikipedia

(When I was a kid, I often taught that serial killer, is a ‘cereal’ killer - pembunuh bijiran)

Anyways, nowadays, me and my sis, we like to watch ‘criminal minds’. Before that was ‘mentalist’. Now is the era of ‘psycho’ for us. (Before that, was the era of doctors; watching greys anatomy, house. And there was also an era of forensics: csi and other lots. And many more eras, believe me)

I, myself, like to watch this sort of things is because it’s fascinating to know how a mind can go ‘co-co’ and start killing people. I like to know the factors that trigger and contribute the person to become psycho, and end up being a killer themselves.


Just when u thought what happens in the movies are just make believe. Ted Bundy is one of many serial killers (I believe) is an inspiration to certain movies and episodes out there.

The most frightening of serial killers: a handsome, educated psychopathic law student who stalked and murdered. intake on Ted Bundy

You can google him out and read more about him

Normally, people would like to know more on his killings and his victims. However, Antu would like to focus on his early, and after killings.

As a kid:

You see, at jr high, he get bullied and push around. Ted found out that his ‘so called’ sister (who he grew up with) was his mother, and his ‘parents’ was actually his grandparents. He had a step dad, a loving one; however Ted has always been uncomfortable with his step dad. He was also very ‘tight’ to himself, a bit hard to socialize.

High School:

Despite that, he is a high grade average student throughout high school and college. In High school, he was famous for being well dressed and exceptionally well mannered. He seldom dates back then, as his interest was into skiing and politics.

And they say ‘college is where u make ur future':

Ted was also a good grader in college. But his focused had changed when he meets the girl of his dreams. His 1st love; a beautiful and highly sophisticated woman from a wealthy Californian family. He never knew a girl like her ‘class’ would go for a man like him.
Romance grew as they went skiing together. However, the girl didn’t felt the ‘love’ as much as Ted does. She felt that Ted didn’t have any specific goals in life. Ted did everything to win and sustain her heart. Even won a summer scholarship to the prestigious Stanford University in California. But the girl broke-up the relationship after graduating college, only to say he was not the ‘husband material’.

Ted never really recovered from the break-up. But still, both wrote letters to each other, although the girl indicates that there’s no way they’re getting back together. Little that she knew, the guy that she once loved, was evolving; into a man who she had wished she’s never meet. Ted had become obsessive over her.

Obsessive enough; to make him drop-out of college.

Revolution of a broken heart:

He changed from a shy and introverted person to a more focused and dominant character. He was driven, as if to prove himself to the world.
He re-enrolled at the University of Washington and studied psychology, a subject in which he excelled. Bundy became an honors student and was well liked by his professors at the university.

And then came along Elizabeth; a divorcee with one daughter. She viewed Ted as the father figure for her child, and that one day, she’ll get married to him. However, it was too late for Ted, his feelings towards Elizabeth was just ‘average’ love. The new Ted was different. They dated for 5 years and she kept hope of having a family with him. Little that she knew, the ‘new’ Ted was seeing his Californian ex again.

Having business trips to California, the ‘confident and mature’ Ted won the heart of his ex again. She was deceived by his charismatic skills, and not knowing about his other steady girlfriend, Elizabeth. Both; Ted and the Californian girl had romance during the fall and winter.

Subject marriages was brought up by the Californian girl, but only to find the ‘Ted’ she knew, radically had changed. He had become cold and despondent. And Ted ended all contact with her.

Revenge: he rejected her, as once she did to him.

And then, the horror movie starts:

The 1st : Lynda Ann, a beautiful ski announcer
The Last: Kimberly Leach, a twelve year old girl.

All victims’ shares similarity: all the girls were white, slender, single, wearing slacks at the time of disappearance, had hair that was long and parted in the middle and they all disappeared in the evening.

‘clever-clever squirrel jump, finally drop to the ground also’

sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua

He was caught, jailed.
Caught again.
And yes, manage to escape again.
And then, he was caught again

Mr Bundy was sentences to death on electric chair.
Crowd cheered and fireworks light up the air.

And ending to a nightmare, I guess.

The thing is, what really caught my heart was this
“February 9th marked the second anniversary of Kimberly Leach's death. It also was the day that the sentencing trial commenced. During the penalty phase of the trial, Ted shocked those in the courtroom while he interviewed defense witness Carole Ann Boone. During his questioning of Carole, the two caught everyone off guard when they exchanged vows. According to Florida law, the verbal promise made under oath was enough to seal the agreement and the two were considered officially married. Shortly thereafter, the groom was sentenced to death in the electric chair for the third time in under a year. He would spend his honeymoon alone on Death Row in Florida State's Raiford Penitentiary.” –

Hmmm...sad isnt it?

Love is the beginning of life; it will also be the end
And my sad beginning, will be your perfect ending
– Antu Mokhtar for Mr Bundy

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

RANDOM.....a day for all mothers

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


Mama is a woman who has, conceived, given birth to, and raised a child Because of the complexity and differences of a mothers' social, cultural, and religious definitions and roles, it is challenging to define a mother to suit a universally accepted definition.

As mother’s day would be arriving soon, most of us will think of what present to buy, going back to hometown to visit mom, arranging family dinner or outing and so on.
Me….being my mom’s ‘least favorite’ daughter, will make time to go back, sleep on the couch, and just say ‘happy mother’s day’ to my granma. Yes…to my granma.

But then again…I still buy my mom something she likes.

You see, me and my mom, we don’t go to the same page.

She thinks being a witch is cool, I think having ‘gift’ is like a curse
She thinks the guy’s cute, I think the guy’s just like to put make-up on
She thinks money is everything; I think we still need money, and a lil bit of honey
In other words she never views things my way, and neither do I.


Let’s just say, a series of life drama episode makes us what we are today

Now…below, is the list of HATE facts that I just couldn’t tell my mom straight (so I write it in this blog):

1. I hate the way you treated papa; he was a nice guy, but you didn’t see it when he was alive, and when u did, it was just too late. I guess it’s true what they say ‘manusia akan menghargai selepas kehilanganya’
2. I hate it when you view things only for a short period of time, and never the long run; the effects and responsibility.
3. I hate when you judge people by its appearance.
4. I hate it when you don’t ask for opinions and make decisions on their behalf; never ask permission.
5. I hate when you dunt have anybody to bug, you find things and everything to bug, still.
6. I hate it when you can’t find solutions, u start screaming at others (because of your temper)
7. I hate it when you spend money a lot, and when things need the most, you regret spending it all.
8. I hate it when you like to be busy-body and go through my stuff. Those things are place neatly inside boxes, you dun have to take them out and do nothing afterwards; there’s a reason why it was in the box in the 1st place.
9. I hate it when you are too obsessed with ‘gifts’ that you should not tamper in the 1st place.
10. I hate the way you still view me as a ‘stupid, useless’ person (until now) although I have prove myself worthy in so many,many ways.

And now…below, is the list of facts that I wish to express to my mom, but because of my big EGO,I cant (so I just write it in this blog):

1. I notice you would sneak in, to check up on ur son and daughters. And watched us sleep,or just ‘usap’ our forehead, or ‘selimutkan’ us, until now.
2. I notice if we say we’re coming back, u would ‘bentang tempat tidur’ or ‘buat makan malam’.
3. I notice you sometimes want to talk to me, or join ur children’s conversation, but its kinda hard cos you can’t fit in at some point.
4. I notice if I ask or want something (although I dunt), you try to fulfill my needs (example:kelisa)
5. I notice you try very hard on trying to talk and express your sadness to me, on the phone, but all you get is ‘ maa…I’m busy right now…nanti syasya call balik’
6. I notice it saddens you a lot (but you express it by showing anger) when your kids just think that your opinions are irrelevant and ridiculous.
7. I notice you try to ask your children to come back, but it seems that ur children only want to come back when there’s something (sorry,really…sorry)
8. I notice you try to know the latest trends and news so we have a topic to talk about.
9. I notice you’re actually a fragile person (although you try to act all ‘aku org besi’ thing)
10. I notice you hate me cause I was close to papa and know so many things about him during his last day, and that saddens u because u wish you were together with us during that period.

And I notice that no matter how horrible our relationship can be, at the end of the day, we puke it out and make the best out of it.

Fathers, be good to your daughters
Daughters will love like you do
Girls become lovers who turn into mothers
So mothers, be good to your daughters too

(john mayer -daughters)

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

RANDOM.....mind your english

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


Antu got scolded by her boss today, due to an email she sent using the word ‘conformation’, when its suppose to be spelled as ‘confirmation’

-_-" Grammar and spelling needs to be polish again. Thus, Antu, with determination, WILL READ MORE TO ENHANCE HER ENGLIGH, HAHAHA <---sinister laugh, and national anthem playing at the back

Antu is the sort of person who likes to alter ‘Mat Saleh’ language, into a common word. Example:

Confirm – KOMPOM
Driver – DREBAR
Biscuit – BISKUT
Boyfriend – BOI-PREN
Reverse – GOS-TAN (well maybe not, this one)

And so on….

Therefore, as professional working person that I ought to be, I really need to start picking-up my ‘Mat Saleh’ language skills (like serious)
Browsing through the net, looking for stuff to read, I just had to make turns, from my ‘serious want to learn English browsing, to the ‘play-play wrong English’ side (Plus stupid random pictures)

And here are the results:


What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Monday, April 26, 2010

RANDOM.....inch to be an idol

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


Antu was once 55-60kg for nearly 5 years
(50kg when she in form 4/5, and going up n down the scale ever since that)

Extra Inch are beautiful, equally the same as average size.

I, myself, have been an extra inch. 70% of my family and members and many many many friends of mine are also extra inch (I’ve even dated a couple of them) Thus, I strongly believe that extra inch has its own beauty and uniqueness.

Did you know that to some, Venus; the goddess of love; is an extra inch?

Attestation: search for this 3 paintings - 1.Venus at the mirror by Rubens 2. Venus Anadyomene by Titian 3. Russian Venus by Boris Kustodiev

Beauty can be in any form. Doesn’t say in any text book that average is beautiful (but there are saying average is boring) Apparently, I am talking on a grey area where each people have thier own perspective and views.

I view them as beautiful

Whitney Thompson
Jordan Sparks

I view them as exceptional

Chaka Khan
Aretha Franklin

I view them as yummy singers

Cas Haley
Micheal Lancey

I view him as vast, full of awesomeness!

Mr BB King

The royal highness of blues

Hail to the king!!!!

P/s: some ask me to post up website to buy nice voluptuous clothing website. Below are my favourites:

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 lucky skinny bi*tch

Out of sheer randomness, Antu would like to talk about


Antu is having an eating disorder

Well, to those who are close to me, they’d know
To those who don’t, now you know

(back to my story)

As I make visits or bump into friends, they would say these sorts of things
(Those who like me being 55-60kg)
‘omg, u lost weight, why?’
‘dear, what happen? U looked so thin’
(Those who like people losing weight)
‘I wish I can be like you’
‘tell me, whats your secret’
(And my mom)
‘you’re back to being a skinny, means, you are now single’

Okie, now…..

I am happy, in a way, and I’m not happy, in a way, about my weight. I love eating, however, my portion of eating’s are now limited and if I were to eat a lot, I tend to vomit it out. Sick, eh? (I know). My views of beautiful women have also changed. Last time, if I see a skinny girl I would wanna go up to her and recommend a good eating place (so she can eat her heart out). But now, I view them as beautiful and watched them walked by (sounds like an ‘L word’, but I’m not) and also looked at what their wearing, cloths and fashion.

“An eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual's physical and emotional health. The causes of eating disorders are complex and not yet fully understood. Eating disorders are estimated to affect 5-10 million females and 1 million males in the United States”
An intake of the word ‘eating disorder'

I narrow it down to these factors why am I losing my weight:

1. Eating alone -I DO NOT like to eat alone, thus, only when I have an eating companion at any time to eat, I would eat. BUT, most of the time I’m a lone,lonely ranger (single but not available, wink-wink)

2. My mind on ‘eating healthy’ - When I go to supermarkets, shops, or eating place, I notice I tend to looked for a healthier choice. “low fat, multigrain, lots of veggie, less karbo…” and other lots. I remember I wanted to buy something to eat, I end up spending an hour looking around, and when I got to the cashier, it was just low fat milk with multi-grains cereal. There was also a time when I went to Chilli’s, ordered a burger, but end up eating my fren’s veggie side dish and ‘take away’ the burger home (only to be end up in the garbage bin the next day)

3. Fashion – now, I’m into skinny jeans and leggings. I was working on a project to sell cloth and apparels and (I think) with me viewing the models wearing it, looking damn nice, automatically send signals to my zombie brain, saying ‘skinny is beautiful’.

4. People say – It may sound stupid, but now whatever people say have a small percentage effect to my brain. I have big size legs (my body is the ‘papaya’ type) so when my friends stated or pointed out that I have ‘bunting keladi’ thigh, I feel like straggling them.

5. And eating experience + motion sickness – I went to a foreign country, I didn’t like the food (so sorry) and it combined with my motion sickness going back with the plane. Thus, a natural disaster happened. Ever since, I notice I’m very picky and particular on my food intake (so that I pass the ticket of ‘my whole esophagus is coming out’ experience)

6. My mom and my granma – they like ‘kurus, just nice size’ girls. Lets just say if I reached 55kg, if possible, I’m the one they slay and cooked for dinner.

7. Guys surrounding – 90% of guys I know (even my bros) like 45-50 kg girls. (Don’t lie babe, I know you also)

For now, I think above is the IT factor of me being skinny

But now, I would like to add the 8th family member factor:

After browsing through the net, and of course, visiting KOL site, I officially would like to say,
I WANNA BE SKINNY…sob, sob,sob (huhuhu…just kidding)

But this is why
“Hi, my name is Lily Aldridge…and yes, I’m dating Caleb KOL”

Lucky Bit*ch -_-"

What do you think? Write your views and comments about the column. I would like to hear your opinions. Anything & everyone is welcome.